
by Telematics Solution



EmpQlik is cloud based on field employee tracking software.EmpQlik mobile app needs to beinstalled on employee mobiles and it keeps on sending mobile location on GPRS at definedinterval like 1 mins.Admin can see assign tasks to user and user can perform few actions frommobile app mentioned below.EmpQlik Mobile app Features:Login - user login id will be created by admin portal.User can login with id password given byadmin.he can not signup/register directly from app.Dashboard - dashboard should tell user;s today work like attendance/task/reminders etc also itshould tell status of his/her approval request.we will add employee performance also indashboard like his monthly attendance,order punchaes,task completion etcRealtime location update - mobile app send location data at the defined interval without anyfailure.Location update should happen when app is opened,closed,killed in any condition.If userdisable mobile gps location or gprs it should create one offline report and should push to serverwhen comes onlineAttendance: user should be able to make attendance in/out from mobile app.App sendsattendance data with location.We need to add user photo also while marking attendance.Tasks: User should be able to view task assigned to him and he should be able to take actionon taks like complete it with remarks.He can see his completed tasks history also.Leave request- user should be able to raise leave request from mobile app and he should beable to view his past leave request with status.Expense request - user should be able to raise expense request with bills photo from mobileapp and he should be able to view his past expenes request with status.Order Punch- user can punch order from mobile app and track the status of order from mobileapp.To-do list - user can create his to-do list with date and app should remind his for his todo tasks.Notifications: user should be notification of following actions● Attendance reminder● Task assignment● Leave/expense request approval● Order status update● To-do list reminder● Geofence/site entry/exitGeofence/Site : User should be able to see geofence/sites assigned to him.He can create hisown site if admin has given him permission.Daily report : user should be able to see his daily KM running,working hours,orderpunched,task completed etcNearby Team member: user should be able to track nearby his team member on Google mapand navigation to teamOrganization Structure:Department creation:User Setting:Documents: user can upload documents from appShare my location:user can share his live location with third person by sms/whatsapp linkFace attendance: employee needs to send their selfy while taking attendance.Our AI enginewill validate the photoEmployee Attendance Report - employee can see his past attendance in calendar format/listformat.Settings:● location track control based on attendance● Data interval● Attendance selfie● Expense limit